Tag Archives: decrease inflammation

Can inflammation be the underlying cause?

Arthritis, gingivitis, heart disease and psoriasis are conditions that affect very different parts of the body, yet they all have something in common: inflammation. Inflammation also plays a role in dozens of other conditions, from allergies, eczema, bowel disease and autoimmune disorders like lupus to macular degeneration and memory loss.

Inflammation is your immune system’s first reaction against infection. The injured area often becomes hot, red, swollen and painful. The heat is produced by the increased blood flow to the injured area. Redness occurs because the battle and repair processes are underway. The area usually becomes swollen because of all the fluid and immune cells at the site. Pain is often the first indicator of inflammation.

Inflammation is an effective way of ensuring that invaders do not enter your body and create havoc, but when it becomes low-grade and chronic, your immune system’s army stay revved up and damages healthy issue in the crossfire. 

Stress, bacteria, viruses, parasites, environmental toxins, certain foods, smoking, high blood insulin levels and obesity are just a few of the factors that promote inflammation.

Foods you choose can either promote or prevent inflammation. Foods containing arachidonic acid, such as organ meats, beef, dairy products promote inflammation. Through a complicated process the body breaks down arachidonic acid into inflammatory compounds.

Emphasize on eating six servings of vegetables and one serving of fruit everyday. These are foods that have a low rating on glycemic index, meaning the body takes longer to break them down into blood glucose. They are the best choice for reducing inflammation.

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Filed under Allergies, Arthritis, Digestion, Eczema, IBS, Inflammation, Leaky gut syndrome, Skin Conditions