Confused by the different types of vitamin B12?

Looking for a safe and effective way to reduce to optimize health? The answer would be to eat right and exercise. One can also consider vitamin B12 injections as it can give you positive results as well.

Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is a water-soluble vitamin. It is a nutrient that is important for cell proliferation, nerve health, and carbohydrate metabolism. It is an essential nutrient needed to make red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the body, the myelin sheath that surrounds nerve cells, and various proteins. It also plays a role in fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

As vitamin B12 injection is getting more popular, there is also the question of which type of B12 to get.

Hydroxocobalamin B12 is a natural and uniquely powerful form of vitamin B12. Clinical studies practice have shown it can help to improve cognitive function, fight fatigue, promote heart health and more. Studies have found that hydroxocoblamin raises B12 levels higher and lasts longer than cyanocobalamin (1,2). Hydroxocobalamin has a high affinity for cyanide. It pulls the cyanide out of the mitochondria of the cell and combines with it to form cyanocobalamin, which is then excreted in the urine. In 2006, hydroxocobalamin was approved by the FDA as an antidote for cyanide poisoning. Since cyanide is present in cigarette smoke  (and essentially reduces the cells’ ability to use oxygen), hydroxocobalamin would be a good option for smoker seeking a B12 supplement.

On the other hand, methylcobalamin may be help in preventing and treating chronic fatigue syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, peripheral neuropathies, Alzheimer’s disease, muscular dystrophy and neurological aging.

The most common form of vitamin B12 is called cyanocobalamin. However, over the last ten years, a number of central peripheral neurological diseases have been linked to a deficiency of a very specific cobalamin, the methylcobalamin form, that is required to protect against neurological disease and aging. The liver converts a small amount of cyanocobalamin into methylcobalamin within the body, but larger amounts of methylcobalamin are necessary to correct neurological defects and protect against aging.

Few substances have been shown to regenerate nerves in humans with peripheral neruopathies. However, a study in the Journal of Neurological Science postulated that methylcobalamin could increase protein synthesis and help regenerate nerves. The scientists showed that very high doses of methylcobalamin produce nerve regeneration in laboratory rats. The scientists stated that ultra-high doses of methylcobalamin might be of clinical use for patients with peripheral neuropathies.

1. Hall CA, et al. “The availability of therapeutic hydroxocobalamin to cells.” Blood. 1984 Feb;63(2):335-41.
2. Glass GBJ, et al. “Hydroxocobalamin V. Prolonged maintenance of high vitamin B12 blood levels following a short course of hydrooxocobalamin injections.” Blood. 1966. Vol 27, No. 2 pp 234-241.

Interested in B12 injection. Visit  Seattle Naturopathic and Acupuncture Center or call 206-319-5322.

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